The Law
As a selectively staffed and tight-knit law firm, Sheffer Monhollen & Tackett focuses its efforts in key areas of the law. While the firm’s attorneys and paralegals handle matters ranging across the traditional practice of law, they excel by honing their expertise and leveraging their invaluably long experience in the defense of physicians, hospitals and the officers and corporate entities of assisted living, skilled and long-term care facilities. All cases are as different, of course, as the topics they encompass are wide-ranging, yet most of the firm’s work is concentrated in the following practice areas:
Medical Malpractice Defense
In medicine, as in law, perhaps no asset is more fragile than a professional reputation. Allegations of negligence and failing to meet the prevailing standard of care can be both damaging and demoralizing to physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers as well as to the hospitals and medical centers where they provide care. The attorneys of Sheffer Monhollen & Tackett prepare a detailed and vigorous defense in medical malpractice cases by examining and exploring the facts of the case; researching the relevant medical literature; and meeting with medical experts selected from university hospitals and medical centers across the country. With decades of experience in this area of the law, our attorneys bring a familiarity with the overall legal and medical issues as well as specific Kentucky laws that may apply.

Assisted Living, Skilled Care and Long-Term Care Facilities
A burgeoning trend in the assisted living, skilled care and long-term care industry involves the targeting of those facilities and their administrators as defendants in negligence and wrongful death lawsuits. Claims often focus on resident falls, pressure sores, wound care and infection, malnutrition, medication errors and facility budgeting and staffing levels. Here, too, the reputation of a care center or parent corporation is paramount, as is the defense of such. Representing a variety of assisted living centers and both skilled and long-term care facilities, the attorneys of Sheffer Monhollen & Tackett rely on extensive review of patient records; interviews with facility administrators, nursing directors and staff; and meetings with experienced medical experts in preparing an effective defense against allegations of negligence, substandard care or wrongful death.

At Sheffer Monhollen & Tackett, a trial is nothing to dread, and the courtroom is not to be avoided. The firm is deeply experienced and actively involved in myriad trials in state and federal courts, including white-collar criminal defense cases, employment cases and major civil and criminal defense cases. Primarily, though, attorneys focus their efforts on litigating medical-malpractice defense cases as well as those involving assisted living facilities, skilled care and long-term care centers. From carefully vetting jurors and preparing questions for witnesses, to researching in depth both the facts and the law in the case, to crafting and delivering opening and closing arguments, the firm’s attorneys thrive amid the unique pressure of a trial. Our attorneys see courtroom representation as the ultimate challenge and measure of success for both lawyer and firm, and a telling measure of personal responsibility and professional competence from attorney to client.